Eye Disease Management

Eye Disease Management

Eye Disease Management

Eye Disease Management

Eye Disease Treatment in Davis, CA

A Hometown Team You Can Trust for Eye Disease Management

Helmus Optometry continues to be a family-owned and operated small business. We’ve been in the same downtown Davis location for nearly 40 years, and every year thousands of patients trust us with their vision. If you want to properly protect your eyes, you need a team in your corner that has expertise, technology, and passion. We invest in our team and equipment to guarantee that we can see the slightest, most subtle signs of eye issues, often before symptoms appear. Most importantly, we’re interested in learning about you!

​​​​​​​Cutting-Edge Technology, Classic Patient Care

We know you want to make sure your eyes are healthy. Many eye diseases can be detected - by an attentive eye doctor - before symptoms appear. Our optometrists are skilled and have access to the most advanced tech. We also genuinely enjoy educating and sharing results with our patients. For instance, patients love our Optos wide-angle retina camera, which provides a 200 degree view inside your eyes. Optos imaging is a critical element of your eye exam and helps us safeguard your eye health.

We Treat a Wide Range of Conditions

At Helmus Optometry, our advanced eye care capabilities allow us to treat a wide range of eye conditions. Your treatment plan will always be customized to your unique needs.


Glaucoma is important to catch early, because by the time symptoms become noticeable, the damage is permanent and irreversible. Our glaucoma-certified optometrists can detect glaucoma in its earliest stages and provide you with a customized plan that protects your sight.


Cataracts are common and occur as a result of the clouding of the crystalline lens inside the eyes. Most people develop cataracts as a result of aging and sunlight exposure. Cataracts cause blur and make it difficult to see at night. We will help you manage your cataracts with a personalized plan that is adapted to your lifestyle choices, symptom severity, and prescription.

​​​​​​​Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD)

ARMD affects the macula, which is a tiny but crucial part of the retina that translates the light you see into images that the brain can understand. Damage to this part of the eye causes permanent vision loss and can be difficult to detect without the proper training and equipment. This disease requires a deft touch and proper understanding of you and your eye health, and our team is in your corner.

Diabetic Eye Disease

Diabetes impacts all aspects of your health, but it has an outsized effect on your vision. Diabetes can lead to serious eye conditions like diabetic retinopathy. Symptoms of diabetic retinopathy include blurred and fluctuating vision, dark spots, and vision loss. If left untreated, it can cause total blindness. Our experienced staff has the equipment and training needed to detect concerning signs early to safeguard your sight.

Dry eye disease is incredibly common, especially in older adults or those who work on the computer for long hours. Dry eye disease is multifactorial, often chronic, and highly annoying! We spend time with you to identify potential causes, and have a full range of options to address your symptoms, which includes, but is not limited to:

  • Low Light Level Therapy (LLLT)
  • Prescription-strength eye drops
  • In-office meibomian gland expression
  • Amniotic membranes
  • Dry eye relief masks
  • OCuSOFT eyelid cleanser
  • Nutraceuticals
  • Specialty contact lenses
  • Moisture Chamber Goggles

Give us a call to experience dry eye relief, and we’ll craft a treatment plan just for you!

​​​​​​​Myopia is a very common eye condition that occurs due to an increase in the axial length of the eye, which causes far away objects to look blurry. Glasses can correct vision, but they can’t address the underlying issue. If left untreated, the eye will continue to stretch, the myopia will continue to progress, and you or your child will be at greater risk of serious eye diseases later in life. We now have a variety of tools to reduce myopia’s progression. Safeguard your vision by thinking ahead; we’re ready to discuss ways you can be proactive.

​​​​​​​Your Local Team of Trusted Experts, Always Here for Your Vision

At Helmus Optometry, we are a family-owned and operated practice that’s been trusted in the community for almost forty years. Working as a team, our staff will coordinate your care with the most advanced diagnostic and treatment technology, so that we can provide solutions that meet your unique needs and alleviate symptoms. We are a team of experts who want to help our neighbors see better.

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