Low Light Level Therapy (LLLT)

Low Light Level Therapy (LLLT)

Low Light Level Therapy (LLLT)

Low Light Level Therapy (LLLT)

Introducing the Equinox!

​​​​​​​For the treatment of Dry Eye, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, Hordeola (“Styes”) and Chalazion for all patients regardless of skin type.


For the treatment of Dry Eye, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, Hordeola (“Styes”) and Chalazion for all patients regardless of skin type.



  • Pain-free

  • Non-invasive

  • Available to patients on all levels of the Fitzpatrick Scale


Each treatment is 17 minutes in length and is administered by a Clinical Technician. A comprehensive eye exam within the past 12 months is recommended prior.


$150/Treatment. Not covered by any insurance. Can be repeated if patients do not experience an effect with a single treatment. Application of LLLT over a short series of sessions (1-4) benefits a majority of patients with Dry Eye Disease.


  • Reduce UV damage both as a treatment and as a prophylaxis

  • Stimulates healing

  • Reduces inflammation (inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis and acne can also benefit)

  • Promotes contractions of untreated wounds

  • Activates fibroblasts and improves collagen synthesis

  • Minimizes Demodex mite infestation

  • Recommended before refractive surgery (LASIK) and refractive cataract surgery to improve accuracy of pre-op measurements.



Stimulates production of collagen and elastin—Red light is absorbed by mitochondria and stimulates ATP increasing cellular action, enhancing its activity.


Specific action on the lymphatic system—Yellow light stimulates cells’ metabolism promoting a detoxifying action to relieve swelling conditions.


Purification action—Blue light is recognized to be the ideal wavelength to solicit porphyrins to obtain a bacteriostatic effect with a consequent elimination of bacteria.

LLLT uses focused red LED light at a wavelength of 633 nanometers to safely heat the eyelids. Red light has been used in the field of dermatology for a decade. It's now being used in eye care to treat lid lumps and bumps along with dry eye, ocular rosacea and more. Because the heat is endogenous, there are no thermal risks.

LLLT Increases tissue repair and healing. It has beneficial effects on wrinkles, acne scars, hypertrophic scars and the healing of burns.

Millions of people suffer worldwide from Dry Eye Disease (DED), which can affect their work, lifestyle and comfort. The causes are varied, but a signification factor is the health and operation of the Meibomian glands. These glands are visible just behind the eyelashes on both lids; they supply an oily top pater to the tears to reduce evaporation. When they are not working well, suggested treatment ranges from lid hygiene and warm compresses to eye drops and oral medications.

Inflammation is a major cause of Dry Eye Disease. After LLLT, the amount of tear volume was increased and corneal surface irregularities were restored. Also, the level of inflammatory cytokines significantly decreased as well.

Sustained heat to the Meibomian glands is key in treating Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and getting to the root cause of dry eye symptoms. The melting point of Meibomian gland secretions ranges from 32°C to 40°C, with melting points elevated in patients with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, allowing secretion to stagnate. LLLT generates endogenous heat at the point of use. The depth of penetration of light with a wavelength of 600 - 650 nm into the skin is 1 - 2 mm.

Warm compresses have long been recommended by eye care practitioners. However, warm compresses rapidly lose heat and fall below the therapeutic temperature of 40°C within the first application. Even commercially available eyelid masks microwaved for 10-20 seconds do not remain consistently above 38°C for the entire 10-min treatment. An evaluation of eight methods of eyelid warming found that the method that mostly effectively maintained internal eyelid temperature, the bundle method, was also the most cumbersome.


Article 1

LLLT Restoring Skin 2013

Article 2


Article 3

LLLT in Ophthalmology Effects and Results

Article 4

LLLT in Optometric Management

Article 5

Low Light Level Therapy

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