Our Technology

Our Technology

Our Technology

Our Technology

Our Advanced Technology

Helmus Optometry’s Cutting-Edge Equipment and Care

The Helmus team already knows how to provide excellent eye care, but we can only do that by having the right tools in our toolbox. We constantly upgrade our diagnostic equipment, so your eye care never falls behind.

​​​​​​​Advanced Technology Means Better Results

The doctors at Helmus Optometry practice full-scope optometry. Cutting-edge equipment like our Optos retina camera produces detailed high-resolution images of your retina, so we can get a close look at the contours of your eyes. Our top-of-the-line OCT and Octopus Perimeter help us detect subtle signs of diseases like glaucoma and AMD before they harm your vision. For us, it’s not just technology; it's our way of showing we care about you and your vision.

What Our Tech Means for You

We combine advanced tools and expert care to keep your eyes healthy. Here's a glimpse into some of the state-of-the-art equipment we use:

  • Optos Retina Imaging: During pretesting, this technology captures high-resolution images of your retina using Optomap, which helps us detect many issues early.
  • Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT): OCT offers a detailed cross-sectional image of the eye, which is crucial for diagnosing and monitoring retinal diseases.
  • A-scan: This ultrasound technology measures the eye's axial length, aiding in myopia management for our pediatric population.
  • Low Light Level Therapy (LLLT): A cutting-edge treatment that uses precise red light to improve eyelid health and reduce the symptoms of ocular surface disease.
  • Threshold Visual Fields: This tool helps us assess the full scope of your visual field, detecting any blind spots or vision loss areas.
  • Tonometer: Essential for measuring eye pressure, a tonometer is key in glaucoma detection and management.
  • Topography: Also known as corneal mapping, a topography scan provides an intricate 3D map of the cornea. This helps your doctor detect corneal irregularities and aids in the fitting of complex contact lenses.
  • Meibography: An innovative technique to closely examine your meibomian glands in the upper and lower eyelids, meibography helps us diagnose and manage dry eye conditions.

Why Trust Helmus Optometry’s Tech?

Helmus Optometry leverages its size and history to invest in the best ophthalmic equipment on the market. The advantage of selecting a large and established practice is that are able to continually update our equipment and keep up with advances in the field. Our goal is to provide an efficient, sophisticated and detailed eye exam, and we rely on technology at every step. Schedule an appointment with us today!

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